| 黑酢家 | 美と健康を永遠に |
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Vinegar is a traditional healthy drink in China for more than 3,000 years! It was written in the Bible that Jesus was offered vinegar while on the cross. It was told that the last Egyptian Empress put pearl into vinegar for her beauty care. There are thousands testimonies about the vinegar's magical power in the restoration of health. Our forefathers knew very well the facts that drinking vinegar gives mysterious healing power and can prevent illness. This wonderful power was finally understood since Dr Adolf Krebs in 1953 won the noble prize, for his discovery of the Citric Acid Cycle in his "Effectiveness of Vinegar". Again in 1964, Dr Feodor Lynen also won the noble prize for his theory proved that vinegar can promote the production of adrenal cortical hormone for our bodies to prevent diseases. Consequently, scientists and biochemist around the world started to pay attention to the importance of vinegar in keeping health.
A lot of studies about drinking vinegar have been made in the last 30 years especially in Japan shows that naturally brewed vinegar improves health by strengthening the immune system, flushing out toxins, purifying blood, improving blood circulation, regulating blood sugar level and blood pressure, lowering LDL, stimulating metabolism, eliminating fatigue, improving appetite, helping calcium absorption, preventing flu, antioxidant, burning fat, improving health of heart, liver, brain & menopause.
A good vinegar has a big difference from the general vinegar. Not all the vinegars are good ones. Synthetic vinegar usually contains artificial flavor and color but not nutritional value. Natural brewed vinegar, by using natural brown rice and naturally fermented by natural bacteria, contains amino acids, citric acids, minerals & vitamins usually has excellent body health enhancing power. Its amino acids content is usually 10 – 20 times more than the other general vinegar.

Effectiveness of Naturally Brewed Vinegar
Enhance Blood Circulation
Effective Metabolism Stimulator
Regulate Blood Sugar Level
Regulate Blood Pressure
Reduces LDL Bad Cholesterol
Maintain Body Slightly Alkaline Healthy State
Stimulate Adrenal Cortical Hormone to Prevent Disease
Enhance Immune System and Maintain a Healthy Body

Kill Plaque Bacilli and Fungi
Prevent Flu
Stimulate Appetite, Assist Digestion, Improve Intestine & Constipation
Assist in Calcium Absorption

Fat Burning
Antioxidant, Beauty Care, Anti-aging, Improve Fallen Hair
Eliminate Fatigue & Relief of Shoulder Pain

Enhance Health of Heart, Brain, Liver, Menopause
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